shock rock
Albums scraped2021-12-04T05:06:07.932Z
Last updated2021-12-05T09:18:33.745Z
Released at
81Alice Cooper - Pretties for You1969-06
17Alice Cooper - Easy Action1970-03
6Alice Cooper - Love It to Death1971-03-08
15Alice Cooper - Killer1971-11
23Alice Cooper - School's Out1972-06
13Screamin' Jay Hawkins - Portrait of a Man1972
16Alice Cooper - School's Out (US Release)1972
95Alice Cooper - Live At Montreux1972
52Alice Cooper - Billion Dollar Babies1973-02-25
37Alice Cooper - Muscle of Love1973-11-20
5Alice Cooper - Welcome to My Nightmare1975-03-11
92Alice Cooper - Goes to Hell1976-06-25
49Kiss - Gene Simmons1977
38Alice Cooper - From the Inside1978-11
29Alice Cooper - Special Forces1981-06-30
1Alice Cooper - Zipper Catches Skin1982-08-25
58Kiss - Creatures Of The Night1982-10-28
66W.A.S.P. - W.A.S.P.1984-08-17
71W.A.S.P. - The Last Command1985-11-09
70W.A.S.P. - Winged Assassins1985
33Alice Cooper - Constrictor1986-09-22
20W.A.S.P. - Inside The Electric Circus1986-11-21
65Impaler - If We Had Brains... We'd Be Dangerous1986
63Lizzy Borden - Visual Lies1987-09-10
90Kiss - Crazy Nights1987-09-15
60Kiss - Smashes, Thrashes And Hits1988-07-00
67Kiss - Smashes, Thrashes & Hits1988-11-14
42Eric Burdon - Wicked Man1988
43Eric Burdon - I'm A Wicked Man1988
45Eric Burdon - Wild & Wicked1988
68Kiss - Hot In The Shade1989-10-17
59Kiss - Music From The Elder1989
78W.A.S.P. - Last Command1989
82GWAR - Scumdogs Of The Universe1990-01-08
69Impaler - Wake Up Screaming1990
73Alice Cooper - Hey Stoopid1991
89Kiss - Revenge1992-05-14
12Ke$ha - Blah Blah Blah1993-00-00
51Kiss - Alive III1993-03-18
24Marilyn Manson - Nightmare Revisited1994
35Alice Cooper - It's Me1994
80The Pleasure Elite - Bad Juju [re-release]1994
96The Pleasure Elite - Bad Juju1994
75Impaler - Undead Things1996
83Kiss - Peter Criss1996
84Marilyn Manson - After School Special1996
44W.A.S.P. - Kill Fuck Die1997-03-05
22Eric Burdon - Soldier of Fortune1997
30Eric Burdon - Live at the Roxy1997
85Alice Cooper - The Life and Crimes of Alice Cooper1999-04-20
4Alice Cooper - Super Hits1999-05-04
61Dope - Felons and Revolutionaries1999-09-14
56Marilyn Manson - The Last Tour On Earth1999-11-12
57Marilyn Manson - Holy Wood2000-11-11
88Impaler - The Gruesome Years2000
91W.A.S.P. - Unholy Terror2001-04-21
34Marilyn Manson - At Satan's Request2001
46W.A.S.P. - Dying For The World2002-06-10
18Lordi - Would You Love a Monsterman?2002-07-12
50Lordi - Get Heavy2002-11-01
14Skold - Dead God2002
64The Driving Stupid - Horror Asparagus Stories2002
3Lordi - Devil Is a Loser2003-04-14
55Philiae - Scapegod2003-05-22
28Kiss - Kiss Symphony: Alive IV2003
72Entombed - Sons of Satan Praise the Lord2003
2Lordi - My Heaven Is Your Hell2004-04-02
27Lordi - The Monsterican Dream2004-04-15
40Lordi - Blood Red Sandman2004-06-30
9Lordi - It Snows In Hell2004
32Undercover Slut - Communism Is Fascism2004
54Lordi - The Monster Show2004
97Eric Burdon - My Secret Life2004
100Scarling. - So Long Scarecrow2005-10-25
7Lordi - Monster Show2005
41Lordi - The Arockalypse2006-03-01
8Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah2006-05-19
25Lordi - The Arockalypse (Special Edition)2007-01-24
39Lordi - Arockalypse2007-01-24
19Alice Cooper - The Best of Alice Cooper2007-06-02
10Lordi - They Only Come Out At Night2007
77Lordi - Zombilation - The Greatest Cuts2009-02-20
21W.A.S.P. - K.F.D.2009
79mammutant - Atomizer2010-05-28
26Ke$ha - Your Love Is My Drug2010-06-06
36Murderdolls - Women and Children Last2010-08-31
98Lordi - Babez for Breakfast2010-09-10
31GWAR - Bloody Pit of Horror2010-11-09
93Alice Cooper - Welcome 2 My Nightmare2011-09-12
62Eat The Turnbuckle - Fans Bring Weapons!2012-03-01
87Lordi - Metal Sampler Vol. 32012-09-03
94Lordi - Metal Sampler Vol 12012-09-03
74Repus Tuto Matos - ad_zdes'2012-12-21
11Lordi - To Beast or Not to Beast2013-03-01
99Eat The Turnbuckle - Step in the Fucking Ring2013-04-04
53Lordi - Lordi: Famous Five2014-10-31
48W.A.S.P. - Golgotha2015
47Lordi - Would You Love A Monsterman2016
76Alice Cooper - Paranormal2017-07-28
86Alice Cooper - Live In Montreux 20052017-10-03